Eve Reyes-Aguirre

Secretary, Izkaloteka, Mexica, Azteca

An Indigenous, grassroots community organizer, advocate, wife, mother and grandmother. Eve resides in O’odham territory also known as Phoenix where she is a part of an all Indigenous owned and operated 501c3 Non-profit, Tonatierra, which has served as An Embassy of Indigenous Peoples for over 25 years. As an Indigenous woman, Eve also represents the women in her Calpolli (traditional community) annually at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues as well as at the Global Indigenous Women’s Caucus for over 15 years. Eve has served as Co-chair and special Rapporteur for both the Global Indigenous Women’s Caucus and the Global Indigenous Peoples Caucus. At the International level, Eve works alongside other Indigenous Women to bring awareness to the political, social and economic challenges affecting Indigenous Women and Peoples globally. Eve also organizes at the grassroots level regionally and locally to strengthen traditional identity, equality and well-being of Indigenous Women, Indigenous Migrants and all Indigenous Peoples.